Saturday, 19 May 2012

Female Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is a disease which is caused due to the virus called herpes simplex 2 (HSV 2) which passes from one person to another through unprotected sexual activity. Genital herpes is a highly contagious disease which causes uncomfortable and embarrassing symptoms. Though men and women both are affected by genital herpes but it is more prevalent in females.
Symptoms of Female Genital Herpes
Many females who are infected with genital herpes shows no obvious signs of the disease but if they do have symptoms then they only appear within 2 to 20 days of infection. The initial symptoms of herpes include a group of signs which are known as prodome and warn an impending outbreak. The signs also include pain, sensitivity a burning at the areas where the blisters are likely to appear. Other symptoms include flu like feeling, pain in buttocks and leg area, swollen glands, vaginal discharge and pressure below the abdomen. At an average a virus takes around 3 weeks to show its first symptoms however in few cases it may also be early.
The first outbreak of female genital herpes is the worst condition where small clusters of blisters called lesions appear around the vaginal area. These lesions over a period of days break into open sores and then scab and heal. Females may also experience pain while urinating and aching muscles during this time.
Identification of Genital Herpes in Female
Female genital herpes may or may not show symptoms and even if they are, they may be mild or severe. Though there are various signs of genital herpes like formation of blisters, vaginal discharge and others but in order to be sure one should always visit their doctor. The doctor will evaluate the symptoms, examine the blisters and will suggest a blood test for confirmation.
Time Frame for Genital Herpes in Female
In most of the cases the symptoms of female genital herpes appear within 2 weeks after getting the infection. The sores caused due to this disease get healed on their own within 2 to 4 weeks. There may be several weeks or months time before the appearance of the next outbreak signs. The next outbreak is usually less painful and less severe and it also last for a shorter period of time as compared to the first one. During the first year of infection, a person may experience 4 to 5 outbreaks which eventually decrease over the years.
Warning for the Females Suffering from Genital Herpes
It is easier for a female suffering from genital herpes to get infected with other sexually transmitted disease as infection can easily enter through open blisters and sores. The genital herpes infection may also pass to an unborn baby through a pregnant mother and may cause serious health complications.
Treatment of Female Genital Herpes
Since herpes is considered as the most stubborn virus thus there is no treatment available for the same as well. Though various medications are available in order to treat its symptoms and freeze its chances of appearing again. In order to prevent the condition of female genital herpes sexual activity should be avoided or use of use of latex condom should be done.
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Male Genital Herpes

Large number of people all over the globe faces the problem of male genital herpes which is caused by the HSV virus. Since it is a sexually transmitted disease, it cannot be spread by any other means then intercourse or other sexual act. Though this disease results in discomfort, pain and emotional trauma but in most of the cases it is not life threatening. In some of the extreme cases it can even lead to infection being spread to the other areas of the body.
Types of Male Genital Herpes
There are two different types of male genital herpes which include Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2. Though male genital herpes are mainly caused by HSV 2 but in some cases HSV 1 can also lead to this problem. There has been increase in the number of people having male genital herpes from HSV 1 infection in the recent years.
Symptoms of Male Genital Herpes
A person infected with male genital herpes experience symptoms like burning or itching at the place of infection before the appearance of the blisters and increased skin sensitivity. The skin which gets affected during this time becomes red and small blisters called vesicles erupt on it. The vesicles gets filled with straw colored clear fluid which ultimately breaks and give rise to shallow ulcers. These ulcers are quite painful and cause discomfort. The other symptoms of male genital herpes include muscle aches, fever, decreased appetite and malaise. In some cases sores on the genital areas also appear and they are painful if urine is passed over them during urinating. If these sores are located on penis then also it leads to pain while urination. Symptoms like back pain, headache swollen glands, discharge from penis, unrelated abdominal pressure and flu like conditions are also experienced by men.
Treatment of Male Genital Herpes
Since herpes is a non curable disease thus there is no treatment available for male genital herpes as well. Some medication can certainly help to deal with the various signs and symptoms of this problem. The treatment for herpes first of all includes a check up with your doctor who needs visual examination to determine the type of outbreak and its treatment. After diagnosis the doctor will prescribe you the combination of medicines which will help you to get relief from various symptoms and will reduce the number of outbreaks. With fewer outbreaks there will be less chance of disease being passed to someone else. A person suffering from male genital herpes should not engage in any type of sexual activity including oral, anal or vaginal sex as the contact of outbreak will cause the disease to spread.
The problem of male genital herpes should always be talked with your sexual partner so that you can protect them from this disease. Natural treatments like H-Away are also an effective way to eliminate the outbreak of herpes. Thus, with an effective treatment you can limit the damage which is caused to your daily life due to this disease.

End The Herpes Madness :Stop Beating Your Self Up,Escape The Sickening Side Effects & Restore Your Health Naturally. Click Here

Genital Herpes Outbreak

Genital herpes is a virus infection which is caused by Herpes simplex virus 2. Along with the genital areas this virus also infects the area around buttocks, anus and inner thighs. The infection of the genital herpes mainly occurs due to the exposure of the genitals to the virus which comes from a partner having active herpes. Though most of the people do not show any symptoms of the virus but there are ones who have the symptoms. The initial outbreak of this disease is even worse that the recurrences. The initial stage of genital herpes outbreak is mainly associated with symptoms beside rashes.
Occurrence of first genital herpes outbreak
The herpes rash mainly consists of some vesicles clustered on a reddish base. In areas like vagina which are moist, the herpes may also result in ulcerations instead. The initial outbreak in women occurs in the region of cervix, vagina, vulva, anus, urethra, buttocks and thighs. Whereas, men have their outbreak on tip or shaft of the penis and sometimes on the base. Men who practice sex with other men may have blisters on the anus. Men usually have mild rash which include six to ten blisters. The blisters that follow the initial genital herpes outbreak are very painful and contagious as they contain large number of viral particles.
Symptoms of genital herpes outbreak
Majority of people faces general symptoms during their first genital herpes outbreak and they usually last for about a week’s time. Some of the most common symptoms include headache, swollen nymph nodes, muscle aches, fatigue, fever and others.
How long does genital herpes outbreak last?
If you are having the first outbreak then it will generally last for about 2 to 3 weeks but the pain in skin will last for about one to six weeks. In due course of time the blisters becomes dry and crust over. After the crust falls off the area is not contagious anymore.
Sometimes low levels of virus may also be present even when there are no signs and symptoms.
Dealing with genital herpes outbreak:
Since genital herpes is not curable, so once you are infected with this problem you may suffer from numerous outbreaks during your lifetime. But there are also various ways by which these outbreaks can be dealt.
First of all ask your doctor for the medication which can shorten the period of outbreak. Since some outbreaks even last for several weeks thus by reducing their period you can get some relief.
It is always recommended to abstain from any sexual activity while having the genital herpes outbreak as it will prevent your partner from having the infection. And in case if you are having sex during this time then proper protection like condoms should be used.
Infected genital area should be kept clean. It should be washed and dried often during the outbreak.
Comfortable clothes should be worn during the genital outbreak and the affected area should be kept away from the heat of the sun.

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Cures for Herpes

Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus and appear in two main forms which include oral herpes and genital herpes. Though there is no cure available for this widely spread sexually transmitted disease but its various symptoms can be treated with medication and other possible methods.
Herpes is mainly caused due to various physical and psychological factors thus when you look for its treatment, both these factors should be well considered. In order to get relief from this problem various methods can be applied which includes taking a salt bath, using soothing creams and medications on the infected area and wearing loose undergarments. In order to prevent the further recurrence of herpes, sex with multiple partners should be avoided.
Preventing the herpes from spreading
Among the various cures for herpes its prevention from being spreading further also plays a major role. Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease and spreads from one person to another during the sexual activity. Thus one of the best ways to prevent herpes is to avoid sex during the infection time or to wear condoms to prevent the transmission of the virus. If you feel that you have been infected with the herpes virus then immediately consult with your partner and seek medical assistance. By being responsible in your sexual relationship you can definitely

Avoiding the potential chances of getting infected

 there is no cure available for herpes thus the best way to avoid this disease is by being sexually responsible. Faithful relations should be maintained with your partners and multiple sex should be avoided to prevent herpes. Moreover wearing condoms during sex is also a safe way to prevent this disease.
Preventing the outbreaks
Preventing the symptoms and the outbreak is also among the various cures for herpes. If the period of outbreak is short or the symptoms are less severe then you will certainly find relief from this disease. Find out the causes that results in outbreaks. By keeping a check on your daily diet you cam easily come to know the reasons which triggers various symptoms and signs.
Medical assistance
Once you have a feeling that you are infected with herpes then immediately seek medical assistance. A doctor can provide you with the medicines which will reduce the frequency of outbreaks and will also prevent the transmission of the virus to your partner.
Take a healthy and well balanced diet
One should always take a health diet including protein, iron and fiber. Regular intake of vitamins supplements can also be used to ensure that all needed nutrients are reaching the body.
Have a positive approach
Along with various other means, one of the most effective way to cure herpes is to have a positive approach. You can find a support group and take control of stress. Though managing with herpes may appear to be a difficult task during initial stages but once you will be confident about yourself you can manage it very effectively. Stick to your doctor’s prescription and follow a healthy lifestyle to find cures for herpes and to prevent various discomforts.

End The Herpes Madness :Stop Beating Your Self Up,Escape The Sickening Side Effects & Restore Your Health Naturally. Click Here.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is a virus infection which is caused by herpes simplex virus. It is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease which is spread from one person to another during oral, anal or vaginal sexual contact. There is no cure for genital herpes and if a person gets infected with this disease, it stays with them forever. Symptoms may come and go several times during the entire life span and when they are present it is known as herpes outbreak.
Causes for genital herpes:
Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are two types of HSV which includes HSV1 and HSV2. The majority of genital herpes are caused by the infection of HSV2. Though HSV1 virus mainly causes oral herpes but there is a significant increase in the number of cases when HSV1 also results in genital herpes. Genital herpes is transmitted during sexual activity or skin to skin contact.
Symptoms of genital herpes:
An infected person may or may not develop the symptoms of genital herpes which may also result in a situation when a person does not even come to know that he is infected. If symptoms are there then they appear within 3 to 7 days of infection. In majority of people the first outbreak is quite painful and worst.
The main symptoms of it appear as sores around the penis, vagina or anus area. Many a times these sores may also appear in the region of buttocks, thighs and scrotum. In initial stages they look like a rash of red bumps which later turns into blisters. At times the blisters also open up and cause severe pain. After some time the sores gets scab and healed. The first genital herpes outbreak generally takes 10 to 20 days to get completely healed up. Majority of people face general signs during their first outbreak which includes headache, muscle ache, discharge from the vagina or penis, fever, swollen glands, difficult and painful urination.
Treatment for genital herpes:
Though genital herpes is a non curable disease but various means can be used in order to get relief from the disease.
-      First of all consult your doctor who may suggest you the medication that can help to reduce the time period of the symptoms and outbreak.
-      Keep the infected area clean and dry.
-      Be comfortable and wear loose fitted clothes
-      Do not touch the sores or break the blisters.
-      Soothe the affected area with cool cloth and do not use any deodorant or spray on the affected area during the outbreak.
Preventing further spread of genital herpes:
Since genital herpes is sexually transmitted disease thus any type of sexual activity whether it is oral, vaginal or anus should be avoided in order to prevent the further spread of the virus. Genital herpes can also spread to your sex partner even when there are no symptoms, so it is always recommended to practice safe sex.
If you think that you are suffering from genital herpes then you should immediately take the help of your healthcare provider in order to provide any further problem.

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Stages of Herpes

Herpes is a chronic disease which is caused by the infection of the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Mainly there are two types of herpes which include oral herpes and genital herpes. Oral herpes leads to cold sores and blisters which appear around the face and the mouth area whereas the genital herpes affects the buttock and the genital area. Oral herpes is mainly caused by the type 1 herpes virus which is also known as HSV-1 and genital herpes is caused by type 2 herpes virus (HSV2). Each of these viruses can result in both the type of diseases. The symptoms of herpes usually show within 2 to 20 days after the infection and it appears in a series of stages. Both the HSV1 and HSV2 results in same stages of herpes, though the area of infection may be different. Both of them also have identical physical characteristics.
Stage 1
Stage 1 is most subtle and pain free of all stages. This stage even goes unnoticed by large number of people and is characterized by redness of the genital area and little swelling. Other common signs of this stage include itchiness and sensitivity. If preventive medicines for outbreaks are taken then it should be taken during this stage. In order to prevent pain in blisters and scars, topical cream can also be applied.
Stage 2
The second stage results in formation of small sores and blisters which are filled with fluid. This fluid can appear white or red in color and is clear. One should not burst these blisters intentionally however if they burst on their own, then it’s fine. The blisters during this stage are very painful and itchy but itching should always be avoided. Application of topical cream as prescribed by your doctor can give some relief.
Stage 3
This is the most painful stage as blisters burst during this stage and reveal to open skin and sores. There may be group of small sores or one large sore but in both the cases they should not be touched. Cleaning them with warm water and applying topical cream can bring some relief.
Stage 4
During this stage the sores starts healing and form scabs. One should never pick these scabs as they protect the underlying skin and helps to heal properly. Picking them will result in growth of scar tissue which looks bad after the outbreak and also makes the further outbreaks painful.
Stage 5
After the scars have finished protecting the underlying skin they begin to fall off and evidence of the outbreak finishing will be there. During this stage you will not feel any pain or itchiness and application of topical cream is also not required.
Though there are 5 main stages of herpes but each of them do not last for a very long time. They all can be dealt with the help of medications prescribed by your doctor. Do remember that not all types of herpes medication work for everyone, so consult your doctor to have the combination of one that works best for you. The effective medication will help to make the duration of various stages of herpes to appear less significant.
This entry was posted on Monday, November 16th, 2009 at 1:35 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

End The Herpes Madness :Stop Beating Your Self Up,Escape The Sickening Side Effects & Restore Your Health Naturally. Click Here.

Herpes Blood Test

There are two main types of herpes virus called herpes simplex virus 1 and herpes simplex virus 2 which causes this disease. Simplex 1 virus causes the oral herpes which affects the area around the lips, nose and mouth whereas Simplex 2 virus causes genital herpes which affects the area around buttocks, inner thighs and genital area. Both the herpes virus is contagious and can spread through skin to skin contact or sexual contact. There are various different ways of getting the test done for both the viruses and blood test is one of them.

The herpes blood test has a very different approach and it works by measuring the herpes simplex antibodies level inside your body.  The antibodies are the substance which is produced by the immune system so as to fight with the infection including herpes. The blood test finds out the presence of antibodies in blood or serum.

Time to perform blood test for herpes

The herpes blood test can be performed even if you do not face any signs or symptoms of herpes. In case if any antibodies of herpes are present in your blood then it means that herpes lies latent in your body. Blood test is an effective way to detect the herpes infection as it can also be done even if there are no symptoms. Moreover swabbing of lesion is also not required in blood test thus it can also be done even in cases when symptoms have faded. People having history of genital symptoms can go for the type specific blood test.

Effectiveness of herpes blood test

There is always a possibility for any test to give inaccurate results as no test is perfect. But still the effectiveness of herpes blood test mainly depends upon its sensitivity and specificity.

Timing plays a major role in effectiveness of blood test.  During the time of having the first exposure to the herpes it may take several weeks for antibodies to develop in the blood. Thus if you will perform the test too early it will not diagnose any antibodies and will give false and negative results.

There are some blood tests which are not able to find out the difference between the two types of herpes simplex (HSV1 and HSV2). Thus if you wish to have an accurate diagnose of herpes type then type specific test should be done.

Type specific blood test

In order to find out the specific type of herpes, the type specific blood tests need to be performed. These tests are not dependent on the class and type of antibody but mainly depends upon what the antibodies are mainly directed against which are also referred as their antigens.

The most specific antibodies in herpes are directed against a protein which is called glycoprotein G (gG). The gG in HSV 1 has a substantial difference from the gG in HSV2.

Limitations of herpes blood test

The herpes blood test can detect the presence of herpes antibodies but it still has some limitations as it cannot detect the following:

-      whether the symptoms are due to the presence of herpes

-      which part of body(lips or genitals) are infected by herpes and

-      Whether you will develop the symptoms and signs of herpes.

A time period of about 6 to 8 weeks may be needed for a blood test in order to detect the presence of   antibodies in the body.

This entry was posted on Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at 2:01 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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Female Symptoms Herpes

Herpes is a group of virus that causes sores and painful blisters. It is commonly also known as Herpes Simplex Virus which is further divided into two different versions called HSV1 and HSV2.The HSV1 mainly affects the area around the face whereas the HSV2 affects the genital areas. Females tend to get more affected by this problem then man. In some of the cases of female herpes the symptoms may appear clearly while in most of the others they are not present at all and can still be transmitted to the partner.
During the initial stages, a female might not even come to know that she is being infected with the virus but the symptoms can start to show within few days. The female symptoms herpes include the following:
Outbreak Period
Females have longer outbreak time in herpes as compared to men. Women herpes may take around three weeks on an average to outbreak. Before the first outbreak appears various symptoms like fever, muscle and back pain, flu like symptoms and flashing heat may appear.
Sores in the Vaginal Area
A female suffering from herpes will develop sores in their vaginal area. Many a times the women get mistaken for these sores and blister for some different type of infection or boils. The boils are bigger and painful and during their outbreak period they may also develop lesions on cervix, vulva, urethra, buttocks and thighs.
Sensitive Skin
One of the most common female symptom herpes is having a sensitive skin which becomes red and develops blisters and sores which mainly appear around the genital areas.
Vaginal Discharge
Females having genital herpes may also experience vaginal discharge which appears to be white or off white in color and is a clear fluid. This fluid clearly indicates that there is an infection in the cervix or the vagina.
Burning Sensation
Another symptom of female herpes includes having a burning sensation during urination. As there is infection in the vagina of the women during the time of herpes thus it may result in difficulty and sensation while going for urination.
Other Symptoms
Besides sores, blisters and discharge a women may also face problems like swollen lymph glands and muscle aches during the time of having herpes.
The female symptoms of herpes should be treated seriously. If you feel that you have come in contact with the virus of herpes then immediately consult your doctor. The outbreak of herpes generally appears on the place where the skin is soft and moist which makes it an ideal place for the virus to replicate.  Herpes is a non curable disease which stays with you for your whole life. This disease can also be transmitted from the pregnant mother to her child as it is mainly concentrated in the mucous membrane. Though the first outbreak of the herpes is worst but the recurring ones are easier to handle. Herpes can also act as a gateway to many other diseases so the female symptoms herpes should be taken proper care and due consideration.
This entry was posted on Monday, November 9th, 2009 at 6:59 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

End The Herpes Madness :Stop Beating Your Self Up,Escape The Sickening Side Effects & Restore Your Health Naturally. Click Here.

Herpes Symptom

Herpes is s virus infection which is caused due to herpes simplex virus. There are mainly two types of this virus which includes herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1) and herpes simplex virus 2(HSV2).  HSV1 mainly results in oral herpes which affects the area near the lips and the mouth. It is also referred as cold sores or fever blisters. HSV2 is the main cause of the genital herpes which affects the area of penis, vagina, anus, inner thighs and buttocks. Herpes is mainly transmitted from one person to another through a sexual activity. The herpes symptom varies from person to person. Some people may not experience any symptom at all while other may have severe ones like painful sores. The symptoms usually develop within 2 to 20 days after the infection and may last for about 2 weeks. People who have partial immunity to the virus having facial herpes may experience less severe form of herpes.

Early Symptoms of herpes:

The early herpes symptoms include fever, swollen glands, itching or burning feeling in the anal or genital area, flu like symptoms, pain in areas like legs, buttocks and genital area. Some people might also feel pressure in the area below the stomach and have vaginal discharge. Within few days of infection sores starts appearing at the infected areas like penis, vagina or mouth. These sores which are also known as lesions can also appear on a woman’s cervix area or the urinary passage area in men. These sores appear as a small red bumps which turns into blisters or open sores. After some time the sores gets crusted and heals without scarring.

Other symptoms of herpes:

Besides the early herpes symptoms many people also faces various other signs which include difficulty in urinating, pain while urination, swollen glands in the genital area, painful and inflamated blisters around the infected area and others.

Recurrences outbreak Symptoms:

The first herpes outbreak is really painful and difficult but since herpes is a non curable disease thus there are numerous outbreaks which a person has to face during his entire life span.

The recurrence outbreaks are generally shorter and are less severe as compared to the first one. These are preceded by warning symptoms which are also known as prodromal symptoms. Some of the most common signs of recurrence outbreaks include small blisters or sores that form the crust and appear between the areas of buttocks, thighs, pubis and legs, irregularities in the skin such as rash, cut or red bump and its healing takes half the time as compared to the first outbreak.

Dealing with the symptoms of herpes:

Though herpes is a non curable disease but there are numbers of treatments available which can help to deal with its symptoms. Medical help should be taken from the doctor who can prescribe various medications that will help to minimize the duration of the symptoms and will also promote healing.  You should always follow a proactive approach with your health in order to minimize the number of outbreaks. Moreover the herpes symptom should always be disclosed to your sexual partner so as to avoid its further spreading.

This entry was posted on Thursday, November 19th, 2009 at 2:15 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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Sign of Herpes

Large number of people all over the globe is suffering from the problem of herpes. There are mainly two types of herpes virus which affects the different parts of the body. The type 1 virus results in oral herpes while the type 2 leads to genital herpes. The most common type of herpes is the genital herpes which is sexually transmitted. The virus of herpes is very contagious and individuals having open pores are more prone to this problem. During the initial stages the symptoms of herpes may not be there at all but with due course of time they began to show up. The sign of herpes may be different in different individuals. The different stages of herpes are witnessed by different signs and symptoms.

Signs at Prodrome Stage

This is the initial stage of the virus which shows the signs like itching, burning and tingling experience which occurs at the onset of an outbreak. Flu like symptoms including achy feeling and fever may also be experienced during this stage.

Signs at Infection Stage

During this time the red bumps starts to form which is further followed by the formation of blisters. After some time these blisters break open and appears like an ulcer wound which scabs over after some time. At a later stage these scabs fall off and reveal the healthy underlying skin.

Signs at Latent Stage

During this stage the virus starts to replicate when it comes in contact with the skin wounds or the mucosal surfaces. The virus is not transferable during this stage and thus shows no sign of herpes.

Signs at Shedding Stage

The virus starts transmitting through body fluids during this stage and infects the other people and it also has no signs.

Initial Signs

Though the initial signs of herpes mainly include painful bumps, blisters and itching but they can also vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience burning sensation while urinating while others may have open sores in their private areas. Some sign of herpes may also be similar to that of infection and flu so it’s quite difficult to detect this problem.

First Time Patients

The people suffering from herpes for the very first time may have signs like headaches, fatigue, chills and swollen lymph glands. Though the flared up blisters usually last for about two weeks but if the immune system of an individual gets affected then it may even last for a longer period of time.

If you face any itching in your genital area and symptoms like flu then immediately consult your doctor for medical assistance. Sexual intercourse is not the only reason for getting herpes as this virus can also get infected through physical interaction with people having cold sores. This type of herpes is basically known as oral herpes. Individuals who are previously infected with this problem may also notice that various signs of herpes have recurrence and keeps coming back.

Curative Measures

Though there is no cure available for herpes but various medications are available to treat its signs. These medications can help to stop the symptoms within few days. In order to treat the signs of herpes, it must be treated at once.

This entry was posted on Friday, November 13th, 2009 at 2:53 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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